jeudi 13 mai 2021

MINIATURE Cabrio - Evany Shirt - Mileen Boots

It's at the PRETTY Event that you will b able to find and buy that great car and that sexy shirt and pair of boots.
The Car Miniature Cabrio, done by 777 MOTORS, is a compact one that have all of the big one.
Thanks to its pop up menu, you will be able to change its look on 5 area with one of the preset color of your own with the 'CUSTOM' button.
The amazing Shirt and wonderful boots are done by LSR MODA.
Shirt and boots are vailable in a big fatpack but you can also get the boots separately with a hud color and shirt only in a fatpack with all colors or color by color.
Sexy Evany Shirt and Sexy Mileen Boots are especially done for Maitreya (Lara and PEtite), Legacy and Legacy perky




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